The Recreational Therapist is responsible for understanding and tracking utilization. For every
individual supported, there is a document titled Service Authorization (SA). The Service Authorization (SA)
contains listings of the individual’s selected Medicaid waiver services. Recreational Therapy with
Assisted Independence must be listed on the Service Authorization (SA) prior to the Recreational
Therapist providing Recreational Therapy. The Case Manager is responsible for taking requests for
amendments and updating the Service Authorization (SA), which can be done at any time.

The Service Authorization (SA) will contain the available units of Recreational Therapy. One unit
of Recreational Therapy is 15 minutes. The Service Authorization (SA) will also contain the time frame for
which those units are available. The Service Authorization (SA) is automatically sent to Assisted
Independence. The information from the Service Authorization (SA) is inputted to AccelTrax, where the
Recreational Therapist can view the utilization from the desktop version, which shows how many units
have been used and how many units are still available. The following percentages of unit utilization per
individual qualify for a bonus.