“I arrived at George’s home at 1:15PM. As I parked in the driveway, George burst out the
door, exclaiming, “My Recreational Therapist is here! My Recreational Therapist is here!”.
George was A+Ox3. George’s energy output matches that of a Super Bowl champion.
However, it is not the Super Bowl. So, George and I set out for the public library, where we
are reviewing a history of Disney animated films. During our review, George and I
evaluate the appropriateness of energy output from the characters within the movie.
George is learning to recognize the importance of stability of mood, as we identify the
consequences incurred by the movie characters from their mood stability or instability.
George and I debriefed during which he stated, “Sometimes I can be a lot like Anger from
the movie Inside Out. I don’t want to be like that.” We discussed techniques for keeping
our mood stable, and George arrived at a conclusion independently: “I am going to keep a
picture of Anger in my wallet to remind myself to stay calm”. I supported Geroge in his
plan. George returned home at 2:45PM. George is to continue Recreational Therapy twice
per week, including a co-session with the Behavioral Consultant once per month.”