Application for MANAGER OF DIRECT Supports Manager of Direct Supports Applicant Full Name:(Required)Applicant Email Address:(Required)Applicant Phone Number:(Required)Applicant Address:(Required)Social Security Number:(Required)Who Referred you to our company?(Required)Are you at least 18 years old?(Required) Yes No If you were offered employment, when would you be available to begin?(Required)If hired, are you able to submit proof you are legally eligible for employment in the United States?(Required) Yes No Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job position you seek with or without reasonable accomodations? Yes No What reasonable accommodations, if any, would you request?Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?(Required) Yes No Current or most Recent Employer Name:(Required)Current Supervisor Name:(Required)Address of Current Employment:(Required)Current Job Duties:(Required)Reason for Leaving:(Required)Start date of Current/most recent Position:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY End Date of Current/most recent Position:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Applicant's College/University of Attendance:Did you receive a degree? Yes No Other Training (graduate, technical, vocational, etc.)Awards, Honors, Special Achievements:Do you have any Direct Support Professional experience?Do you have any management experience?Reference #1 - Name:(Required)Reference Phone Number:(Required)Relationship to Reference #1:(Required)Reference #2- Name:(Required)Reference Phone Number:(Required)Relationship to Reference #2(Required)Please provide any other information that you believe should be considered, including whether or not you are bound to your current employer:CAPTCHA